Check out the helpful links and announcements below!
Slack will be our region's communication app for all things FCA. You will be able to directly connect with your Huddle team and have the opportunity to collaborate with other local FCA student leader teams. Must use this link to join our FCA Channel.
We highly recommend starting off the school year strong with a prayer walk around your school campus. God has given you an opportunity to make an powerful impact in your sphere of influences. Let's dedicate your Huddle to the Lord and be intentional about praying for coaches and your campus.
Suggestions of people you can invite:
We aim to ensure that you and your team are well-prepared for an impactful year. To support you, we have shared all the necessary links and resources for your Huddle. Also an updated version of our Huddle Playbook is now available. Updates consist of detailed role descriptions, "Team Huddle" details, and best practices. Be sure to contact you FCA staff member if you have any questions!
(916) 835-8229
(816) 921-0909